31 mins

The current status quo in running and scaling out teams is to have everyone work in the same office or in offices across different locations. With the rise of open source, a different model of working and collaborating has emerged that is adopted by more and more companies, especially as they struggle to hire talent, build diverse teams and keep up with economies of scale that haven’t existed before.

In this talk I’d like to talk about how the team that’s running Travis CI, a continuous integration platform, and share some of our learnings as we grew our team and pushed our team’s distribution further. The talk will focus on how to structure communication in distributed and remote teams, the tools that are available today to increase collaboration while also increasing visibility, and on the challenges of working across multiple timezones and countries.

After this session you will be better equipped with tools that can help your team adopt a more asynchronous and inclusive culture of working, and you’ll walk away with ideas on how to structure communication and collaboration in distributed teams in a way that helps local teams as well.