12 mins


Debugging, in its various forms, has been around for as long as people have been developing code. It is a critical step in the creation and maintenance of code. No matter what it is that you are developing, you will undoubtedly have an array of issues, and debugging enables you to get to the bottom of these; to find the bug and to then find a fix for it.

But debugging, as we know it, is broken. It takes time, it is always a struggle to get the exact data you want, and worst of all, you are often called to debug at the most inconvenient times.

In this talk, we will delve into the reasons why debugging techniques are broken. Why a method that was developed last century is no longer relevant (or useful) to our ever evolving technology stacks of today, and what advances have been made in the space to ensure that everyone can use the right tools for the right use case. We will delve into the finer details of how tools empower teams to take real ownership and how, by addressing the biggest pain points associated with traditional debugging techniques, we can rebrand it to a task that developers would want to take on.


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Feature flag use cases you haven't heard about yet
Feature flag use cases you haven't heard about yet