Tickets start at £899+VAT

Attend with your leadership team and save 18%.

A day of sessions on: your Business, your Delivery, your Strategy and your People.

08:30 1h


Registration and refreshments

Welcome to LeadingEng London 2024


Welcome to LeadingEng London 2024

A welcome to LeadingEng London from our host Meri Williams.


Meri Williams
Meri Williams
CTO and Advisor Pleo
09:20 20 min


What's my job again? Developing self-management

The more we move up the org chart, the less input we'll get from our own managers, and the more we need to expand our range as a leader to be successful. Self-management is understanding what it means for you to thrive in a leadership role, and it's also something you will need to instil in people you report to you, to help them scale their own responsibilities.


Cate Huston
Cate Huston
Engineering Director Duck Duck Go
9:40 60 min

Session 1 Interactive workshop

Commercial Understanding for Engineering

In this session, we’ll cover the basics of business acumen and help you understand for your own organisation what matters most and how success is measured.


Meri Williams
Meri Williams
CTO and Advisor Pleo

Sponsor Presentation

Friends don't let friends debug their leadership skills in production

In this talk, Hywel will discuss the skills needed as engineers progress on different career paths (both technical leadership and people management), and how they can be learned outside the ‘production environment’ of the team.


Hywel Carver
Hywel Carver
CEO Skiller Whale


Network, learn and explore during every break

Table talks

Join facilitated conversations on how to grow leaders and managers


Hywel Carver
Rose Hitchcock
Director of Engineering

Speed coaching

Watch or participate in free 1:1 coaching.


Mathias Meyer
Executive Coach & Founding Partner

Office Hours

Chat with the speakers face-to-face in a relaxed, conversational environment.


Meri Williams
CTO and Advisor
Cate Huston
Engineering Director

Career next steps Q&A

Dedicated sessions on how to take the next step in your career for:

  • Becoming a VP of Engineering


Giorgos Ampavis
VP of Engineering
Stephen Janaway
VP of Engineering
11:45 20 min


In anticipation of change: Strategies for engineering leaders to stay current and effective

One of the toughest challenges you face as an engineering leader is staying current while preparing yourself and your teams for change. There's a requirement to understand the technical issues facing engineers day-to-day and the responsibility to help them navigate an uncertain future. So, how do you stay in the loop? And how can you ensure your decisions are not just reactive but proactive, shaping the future rather than merely responding to it? This talk is about how to overcome this challenge.


James Da Costa
James Da Costa
VP of Engineering Cint
12:05 60 min

Session 2 Interactive workshop

How to craft a business case for your technical strategy

In this section, we will look into what makes a good technical strategy and what doesn’t. We will learn the basics of how to craft an effective technical strategy for your organisation.


Rukmini Reddy
Rukmini Reddy
SVP of Engineering Slack
13:10 10 min

Sponsor Presentation

Achieving engineering velocity by optimizing developer experience

Engineering teams face compounding pressures to meet business objectives while maintaining operational excellence. The last year, in particular, has forced engineering leaders to maximize productivity with limited resources, forcing them to search for solutions to improve engineering velocity.


Ben Lloyd Pearson
Ben Lloyd Pearson
Director of Developer Relations LinearB


Network, learn and explore during every break

Chat to every speaker

Office hours is your opportunity to connect face-to-face, ask questions and find out more.


James Da Costa
VP of Engineering
Rukmini Reddy
SVP of Engineering

Table talks

Join facilitated conversations on how to effectively manage engineering budgets

14:30 20 min


Engineering owns velocity

Companies are more eager than ever to quantify the output of their engineering teams to feel confident that they're maximising the return on that investment. Unfortunately, when non-engineers try to increase the output of engineering teams, they often wind up optimising short-term deliverables and devaluating key aspects of an engineering team's job. In this talk, Rafe will explore what engineering leaders need to do to credibly own velocity and deeply align their work with the company strategy.


Rafe Colburn
Rafe Colburn
Chief Product & Technology Officer Depop
14:50 60 min

Session 3 Interactive workshop

Getting things done that people actually want done

We’re going to take a look at delivery through a cross-functional leadership lens rather than functional leadership lens. We’re going to disconnect from whether our teams can or cannot get things done and instead focus on how you create alignment and the foundations for teams to succeed in delivering on the expectations of the organisation.


Dan Blundell
Dan Blundell
Engineering Director Gymshark


Network, learn and explore during every break

Table talks

Join facilitated conversations on how to effectively improve engineering velocity in your organization


Owain Lewis
Director of Engineering
Ben Lloyd Pearson
Director of Developer Relations

Speed coaching

Watch or participate in free 1:1 coaching.


Mathias Meyer
Executive Coach & Founding Partner

Office Hours

Chat with the speakers face-to-face in a relaxed, conversational environment.


Rafe Colburn
Chief Product & Technology Officer
Dan Blundell
Engineering Director

Career next steps Q&A

Dedicated sessions on how to take the next step in your career for:

  • The CTO path


Rob Zuber
Crystal Hirschorn
16:30 60 min

Session 4 Interactive workshop

Contemplating the Future: Modeling your organisation to meet a shifting business

Your company strategy has shifted. There are layoffs. A new CPO enters the fray, and they are extremely into the *technology du jour*. Your product is deprecated. You're going through a merger. These things happen to companies throughout the industry on a regular basis with increasing frequency. How often do you think about whether your organisation is structured to serve the most important business and product goals of your company, and what would it look like if you did?


David Yee
David Yee
VP of Engineering The New York Times
17:30 20 min


Growing engineering managers: Breaking down the monolith

This talk will delve into the intricacies of being an effective engineering manager by dissecting the multifaceted role into distinct components. Chiranjiv will explore technical excellence, people management, and delivery, breaking down each aspect into manageable units that can be employed for evaluation and strategic planning.


Chiranjiv Singh
Chiranjiv Singh
Engineering Director
17:50 10 min


LeadingEng London 2024 Wrap-up

Closing session


Meri Williams
Meri Williams
CTO and Advisor Pleo
18:00 90 min


Networking mixer

Join us for the networking drinks reception


Networking mixer

Spend some time with other attendees after the programme.

Office Hours

Chat with the speakers face-to-face in a relaxed, conversational environment.


David Yee
VP of Engineering
Chiranjiv Singh
Engineering Director

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