Setting goals as a staff+ engineer
Sabrina Leandro shares how to define your development journey as a staff+ engineer, figuring out what you should be working on, how to set your goals, and how to you define your backlog of work. You’ll also learn how to track your progress so you can keep growing as an engineering leader in the individual contributor track.
Unmasking Imposters by debugging doubts
Bobby D takes inspiration from the popular game "Among Us" to address the challenges engineers face in understanding their value and the importance of developing team awareness to support one another, and shares practical strategies for embracing individual strengths, fostering team collaboration, and building bridges through empathy and inclusivity.
Scaling your influence when you can only be in one place at once
Michael Tweed will cover a case study of the problem "how do we ensure all our teams are meeting code quality standards", looking at approaches that are likely to (and have!) failed, vs. those which are much more likely to lead to results and long-lasting buy-in.
Running large scale migrations continuously
Suhail Patel goes over strategies and principles to make large scale migrations less daunting, both from a technical and organisational point of view.
Defining expectations of Staff Engineers
This presentation is mainly targeted for Staff Engineers who work on defining their own roles and responsibilities. Writing a Staff Engineer Guide, and agreeing on the expectations between the engineering and the management, is a great way to learn about your organization.
How not to lose friends and alienate yourself: Learnings from a journey to Staff Engineer
Waheed El Miladi reflects on his journey to Staff Engineer and discusses some of the personal pitfalls and unexpected challenges he encountered while moving through roles and the personal skills and strategies I’ve developed to address them.
The dark side of lessons learned
Dianing Yudono explains how you can boost the efficiency and effectiveness of your software development processes by unlocking the power of lessons learned and making them accessible to everyone. Let's elevate our collective wisdom and drive success together!
Defining a technical vision
Eamon Scullion discusses the role of a technical vision in creating a roadmap for your organisation's technology evolution. We will cover how to assess your current technology architecture, defining your target state and identify next best steps for getting closer to your goal.
Maps to medicines: One map to an atlas
Shweta Bhandare discusses how Recursion scientists perform CRISPR-Cas9 mediated knockout to understand the activity level of every gene in a specific disease model, which allows new discoveries to be made. These maps are specific to a cell-type.
Maximizing your impact when context-switching
Maude Lemaire spent the last few years trialing a few different ways to sustainably maximize this time by balancing productivity with a bit of mindfulness. Come learn from her (many) mistakes, and hopefully we can all feel a bit less like a Dalí painting.
The dark side of standardization
Samantha Schaevitz wants you to leave this talk better equipped to decide whether embarking on a standardization project is right for your stack or organization, and how to do it in a way that avoids common pitfalls along the way.
Putting down line management; returning to an individual contributor role
Caroline Handley will help you crystallise what options there are. It will clarify what actions can be taken to find out more. Whether you decide to ‘put down line management’ or not, you can make that decision in a more informed way and be more confident in your choices.
Practical systems thinking for Software Engineers
Laura Nolan covers methods such as EAST-BL, System Dynamics, and the Energy Barrier perspective, with a specific focus on how these methods can be applied to the development and operation of distributed software systems.
How to progress as an engineer while doing what you love
Blanca Rojo Martin shares how a large organisation like UBS has created a three-level strategy for Engineers technical career progression.
Solving the puzzle of staff+ time management
Blanca Garcia Gil looks at how the expectations of your role imply changes in how you manage your time, strategies to avoid feeling like you are being stretched in multiple directions, understanding how you work best, and identifying which strategies apply to you.
The journey of a byline
Alice Bartlett explores the journey our content takes through the many, many applications in our microservices architecture.
Librarian's guide to documentation
Kaitlyn Tierney wants you to learn how to leverage librarian skills to create and maintain internal documentation that works for you. Improve technical decision making by fostering a culture of documentation excellence and inspiring clear, effective written communication with a few simple practices.
Homebrew’s great migration: Moving to GitHub packages with zero downtime
Mike McQuaid discusses the following: the key factors we evaluated to decide between the options available, how compromises were made within and between Homebrew and GitHub (my employer), what techniques we used to implement the migration by the hard deadline with zero downtime, and how to use “soft power” to affect change in your organisation without “hard power” to decide what any individual works on.
Building a diverse and inclusive guild from the ground up
Liem Pham’s story, a France-born developer with Asian heritage, finding his space in the London tech scene. You will hear about his journey, from being the first frontend engineer at Accurx, to building a diverse and inclusive guild of 20+ members in two years.
Delivering a digital first BBC - an architects perspective
Hannes Ricklefs shares why realising big visions and missions is an exciting yet daunting task. Having worked at the intersection between Product, Delivery, Architecture and Engineering, this talk will explore what is key to continuously evolve the stack, the org, and ways of working.
Building a shared vision: Creating alignment across autonomous teams
Maria Neumayer's talk will explore how to overcome these challenges, get buy-in from engineers to promote cross-team collaboration and alignment, all while establishing and refining shared standards and working towards a shared vision.
Cloud infrastructure architecture for Nubank’s global expansion
Lais Oliveira discusses Nubank, one of the world's largest digital financial services platforms, serving over 70 million customers across Brazil, Mexico and Colombia. Our products and systems weren’t built to be multi-country. Rapid growth and scaling challenges drove rethinking cloud infrastructure and building a technical strategy.
Scaling your influence through documentation
James Ford reflects on his two year journey as a Staff Engineer and how a mix of documentation and working groups has been a surprisingly effective strategy for influencing the opinions of the individual engineers as well as the non-technical stakeholders.
Filling the jar of impact and trust as a Principal Engineer
Nayana Shetty shares some tips and tricks to identify rocks, pebbles and sand you can fill your jar with, ways they enable you to create impact and build trust across the organization and some common challenges you will face when you prioritize your work using this technique and ways to overcome those.
Working sideways
Aish Raj Dahal touches upon this slightly less talked about aspect of the job as a technical IC leader, which is creating peer relationships and working with other Staff engineers in shaping an organization’s technical roadmap.
Working on software that is older than you
Sally Wahba shares her views on working on an older codebase. She will share her experience watching the codebase evolve from incorporating acquired startups, to consolidating code branches. She will share pain points that she found to be repeated after joining a younger company.