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GitLab allows you to Accelerate modern DevOps. Bring velocity with confidence, security without sacrifice, and visibility into DevOps success.

Download GitLab's complete Remote Playbook



Simplify your workflow with GitLab.


Did you know that GitLab's inherent capabilities make it useful as an Agile Innovation Management Platform?

Come join ICS and their Certified Managers of Innovation as they present how they implemented an Agile Innovation Management System with GitLab as its heart. Understand how this all-in-one GitLab platform can serve the needs of not just developers and project managers, but also product managers, operations - and through integration of organizational strategic objectives - even executive leadership through integrated alignment of the innovation portfolio to strategic objectives.

Learn how to implement GitLab boards, scoped labels and Value Streams in new and exciting ways to manage your innovation pipeline from ideation, through collaboration, prototyping and full development - all configurable to meet your unique organizational needs, and done in mere hours.